Monday, 22 September 2008

It's Delightful,Its Delicious, It's De-lovely

Prompt at her space my space is Delicious

Something that is highly pleasant in taste. Find something delicious in your space today.

Thanks to Louise for the tips on the white background

Lyrics from It's De-Lovely by Robbie Williams

The night is young, the skies are clear
And if you want to go walkin', dear
It's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely
I understand the reason why
You're sentimental, 'cause so am I
It's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely


Sue said...

Now that is a beautiful shot Janette :-)

And I know the one Louise posted, it was that juicy peach :-)

Robbie, oh Robbie, such a naughty ;-) boy with great vocals too :-)

Sue . . . having a rather hot flush :-D

Pauline said...

This is great, glad to see I'm not the only one to use fruit :o)

Ruthie said...

A healthy and delicious shot! Love it. Ruthie

Chris T said...

Beautiful shot, great angle. Is that a golden "delicious" :)