Sunday 4 October 2009

Wisdom For The Weekend

Friends Of HSMSHS
Prompt this week from Chris

A Soft Day by W.M.Letts

A soft day, thank God!
A wind from the south
With a honeyed mouth;
Ascent of drenching leaves,
Briar and beech and lime,
White elder-flower and thyme
And the soaking grass smells sweet,
Crushed by my two bare feet,
while the rain drips,
Drips,drips,drips from the leaves
A soft day,thank God!
The hills wear a shroudOf silver cloud;
The web the spider weaves
Is a glittering net;
The woodland path is wet
And the soaking earth smells sweet
Under my two bare feet,
And the rain drips,
Drips,drips,drips from the leaves

The web the spider weaves is a glittering net

The hills wear a shroud
Of silver cloud

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning!!