Friday, 12 September 2008

In The Bars And The Cafes,Passion

Today's prompt at Her Space My Space is Passion

A strong and barely controllable emotion. Show us some passion in your space today ;)

I was going to tell you about my morning, sitting outside in the glorious September sunshine, a pretty strange sight with my pyjama bottoms rolled up so the sun could see my legs, munching on a bagel, sipping my tea, passion on my mind, the sweet scent of the late blooming sweet peas wafting through the air, peaceful and at peace, until the vicious attack by the the dive bombing wasp ( they are worse than the spiders). But I can't because I have repetitive strain injury caused by the number of snaps I shot, all in the name of passion. So three hours later here are the results

My passion is music

A couple more shots taken along the way

Lyrics from"Passion" by Rod Stewart

In the bars and the cafes, passion
In the streets and the alleys, passion
A lot of pretending, passion
Everybody searching, passion

Once in love youre never out of danger
One hot night spent with a stranger
All you wanted was somebody to hold on to yeah
Passion, passion


Photographing Mom said...

I love the second one!!!!! Good pictures!

Hazel said...

Wonderful shots!

Sue said...

There you go inspiring me again :-D

These are fabulous shots Janette, very clever and imaginative :-)

Passion was hard for me so I went for the "obvious" ;-) I love so many things and in the past have been passionate about many too BUT it's sad to say that at the moment I am having to take life at a slower less passionate pace!

Great choice of song . . . I went for off the wall!!!


Chris T said...

Lovely shots- lovely colours- particularly like the 3rd with the water drops

Sue said...

Just dropping in to say "hi" and see how you are :-)

Hope all is well.

Sue :-)