To direct someone's attention with your finger. Find 'point' in your space today
It does have a bit of a finger in it
Lyrics from "Nowhere Man" by the Beatles
Doesn't have a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?
Nowhere Man, please listen,
You don't know what you're missin',
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command
LoL - we both had the same idea :) I think yours is cleverer though - less conventional.
Love seeing the different interpretations of this one today- this is great!
Very creative and I like the finger pointing, too!
Super camera :-) Mine is a point 'n' shoot . . . Not sure I could use one like that . . . looks very complex.
I like this take :-)
I just LOVE the Beatles and funnily enough I chose George Harrison for my music today.
Slept better last night :-) So feeling a little more +ve today. Enjoying Heroes, half way through series 2 and no idea who is good and who is not!!!
Take Care Janette . . . Sue :-)
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