Friday, 25 January 2008


Mum Can The Girls Come Round Tonight

I am a sorry excuse for a Blogger, it's not that I don't want to do it, or that I have got nothing to say, but more a case of never finding the right moment. Believe me I rant on a daily basis, mostly to myself, but somehow my thoughts never seem to make it as far as here. January gets me down,I hate the grey sky's and lack of daylight, even more so when my friend in Crete e mails saying she is sitting in the sunshine, wish I could telport. I have had two really nice days, one where I visited my friend to help her set up her new laptop and her mum made me my dinner, it was such a treat, served to me on a tray, I think I was over exuberant in my thanks to her, but for me it was a really special treat. It also made me feel a bit of a rebel, when I telephoned my three delightful teenagers telling them they would have to get their own....that was good.
I also went to the pictures with my sister and my niece. ( I have now been at a venue and a matinee, things are looking up ). The movie was "P.S. I Love You". The book was great,the movie was great and so is Gerard Butler,who plays the blue eyed Irishman Gerry. In real life he is actually Scottish ( from Glasgow) but he does play a great Irishman. I also recently watched him on TV in the movie Phantom Of The Opera, he played the Phantom, I love the music in this film and have been singing it ever since. If I had been Christine I would have chosen the Phantom over Raoul. Back to PS I Love You, the music was great and if a film can make you both laugh and cry, then in my opinion its got to be good. I am now worried that my niece thinks I am slightly loopy as I was very enthusiastic about the whole experience of being at a multi plex large screen viewing:) You would never had guessed by my reaction that these have been around for years. Ah the fun is never ending.
And there's more....
It is going to be my eldest daughters 21st birthday next week and as Frank Gallagher would say "We're having a party". Actually we are all going out for a meal, that is if I finally get round to booking somewhere, then it will be back here for cake and wine, sounds very sophisticated and you never know the chocolate fountain might get its second airing ( its really messy but good ).
News from the world of ME ... I have been reading the 1st draft of proposed guidelines for GP's in Scotland and all I can say is Grrrrrrr and Bollocks.
That's all for now, got to go book a venue.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Oran Mor

Christmas and New Year have come and gone and its all been a bit of a blur...was it good.... Here's what I remember, Visitors from far away places.Sitting at the kitchen table at midnight sticking a orange up the bum of a very large turkey whilst desperately trying to follow my daughters friend Nico's interpretation of Jamie Olivers instructions on how to cook the perfect bird. Jamie Oliver makes grating the zest of a lemon look easy enough for a five year old to cope with. But try doing it with a Greek giving you instructions and it turns into a whole different experience. I think that part was fun. On Christmas day 20 people came and ate the immaculately stuffed turkey, they all said it was great,I can't remember even eating it. So, there was food and drink, a chocolate fountain, karaoke madness and eventually they all left,I think, there could still be a few people here that I haven't actually noticed.
The pictures are of Oran Mor, a old church in the West End of Glasgow,which has been converted and is now "a venue". During the holidays at some point I had a great night out there seeing Elaine C Smith. I was in awe of actually being out in Glasgow at night in "a venue".
Am now at war with some sort of viral thing and shoving everything and anything vitamin based down my throat in the hope that it will go away quickly.